Friday, April 29, 2011

Im The Juggernaut!!!

So like I mentioned yesterday, Im gonna share my training regiment, 1repmax's and goals. After this post, I'm gonna keep the training section updated with weekly progress, unless something awesome happens.

Before I get into what I'm doing now, I have a confession to make. I used to be a crossfit junkie.....GASP...... I know shocking right? Although I don't prescribe to the crossfit religion like I used to, its still fun to do some of the "girls" haha. Currently Im four weeks into the Juggernaut Method. The Juggernaut method focuses on four major lifts, bench press, squats, deadlifts, and military press. Its a sixteen week cycle thats broken down into four, four week waves, 10's 8's 5's and 3's wave. Before you start you get a 1repmax or follow one of the formulas to find your estimated max. (Dont worry ill break it down for you later). For each phase you work with percentages of your max, and the prescribed number of reps is based on what phase your in. In the third week you do one set of as many reps as you can of the prescribed percentage. For every rep over the given amount you add weight. Therefore going into the next phase, your "max" increases as well the the precentage you work at.

Ok time to share my 1repmax's.
Benchpress- 300lbs
Military Press- 170lbs
Deadlifts- 455lbs

 Wheres the squats? Well, I lift in the weight room at work and we don't have a squat rack. BOOO. Oh well its free, and I cant find a gym I like. For the deadlifts I had to use a formula because we didnt have enough weights. I did 315 for 12reps. Here is a link to the calculator i used, and it has the formulas shown. 1repmax calculator.

What about cardio? How much do you run? Not much, i hate running. I do a 5k now and then, but usually I do interval training (tabata intervals or 400m sprints), or just crank out a mile and a half as quick as i can. Interval training is where its at. Besides, who really wants to run for an hour when you can get better progress in less than half the time? I'm not gonna get into interval training vs distance running, I'll save that for another time. So some goals for myself for the end of this sixteen weeks, 525lb deadlift, 350 benchpress, and 205lb military press.

Want to know more about the juggernaut method? Wish I could tell you more, but you need to buy the ebook. Ill be updating my training page to more in depth with what I'm doing and how its working. Also, keep an eye on the pics section to.


So where are you guys at? Whats your max efforts? what kind of program do you use? what gym do you go to? let me know!

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