Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wait......What?......That Cant Be Right. Intro.

So today I'm just gonna come out with it. If your on a fad diet and think carbs are the enemy, I hate to break it to you but your wrong. Just because the root word of diet is die, doesn't mean you need to feel like you are when your eating healthy. Pop culture glorifies anorexic looking women with sunglasses the size of the windows on your car, and men wearing womens skinny jeans and rhinestone shirts.
Someone get her something to eat!
Metro or Pre-Op? You tell me. Either way its wrong

Last time I checked, women with curves was desirable and men argued about who could drink and lift the most, not who had the smallest waist. As you may have guessed, this is an introductory posts. The following series of posts will touch on misconceptions in dieting/ obsession with weight, why testosterone is the root of everything good, and why low intensity long term cardio really isnt worth bothering with. Working on making some quality posts so bear with me, hopefully I wont take to long.

Something on your mind? Think I'm off base with the direction I'm going? Looking forward ro hear whats coming up? Let me hear it. Also, the training section will be updated soon.

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